2023 Clinic Training Materials
Here is the agenda for the CSOA annual training clinic on Saturday, 4 February 2023, at South County High School.
Here are slides presented by the CSOA Assignor at the training clinic in February 2023.
President's report to membership.
Weekly Training on Zoom
Training on February 23: 2023 CSOA Spring Training – Clock Management.
Training on March 1st – 2023 CSOA Spring Training – Dual System of Control
Training on March 9th – 2023 CSOA Spring Training - Substitutions
Training on April 6th - CSOA Spring Training 2023 Venue Management.
Slide deck about Venue Management
CSOA Clock Management Cheat Sheet
Here are information from the CSOA Vice-President for Training about major differences between the National Federation High School Rules and the IFAB Laws of the Game - August 2023.